Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Evening in Antigua

Linda, Terry, Kathy and I walked north from the town square soaking things in and shopping. We stumbled onto Iglesia de la Merced a Catholic Church.  They had started their Holy Week celebration in earnest.

It was part Riley Festival and part religious ceremony.

We made it around to the front of the church and it was beautiful.  They had a huge display inside with blaring music.  A constant stream of people moved inside, praying, lighting candles, lining up at the confession booths and just observing.  In the center of the church in front of the chancel was a piece of art created on the floor probably 20' by 35'.  It was made of sand, grains and vegetables with offerings all around it.

We reconnected with the crew at the square as scheduled and had Marvin and Javier take the rest back so they could see the spectacle.  It was truly moving.

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